Since Daun and I have very limited time to find and use the internet we thought we would share with you the top ten events and pictures since our last posting!
Top Ten:
1. State Line crossing from California to Oregon
2. The beautiful coastal views
3. Our greasy lunch " the biggest omeletes you have ever seen!"
4. Finally some sunny skies
5. Total of nine flat tires for Lisa...two yesterday! I was not happy...just bought a new tire in Florence I hope that works better.
6. Weighing our bikes on the truck scales
7. Seeing and meeting another north bound cyclist- we see about 10 riders a day heading south but never anyone going north
8. Warm free showers at Bullard's Beach State Park
9. Amazing chocolate chip cookies
10. Crazy loud campgroud's...I thought camping was suppose to be peaceful...
Thanks again to everyone who has made a donation. Every time we see the coast line I (Daun and I am sure Lisa too) think of the disaster that has happened along the Gulf Coast and can't imagine what this area would look like or how the communities would be affected here if the oil spill had happened along this coast. So many communities have already been affected by the economy and are "dying" but they also rely quite a bit on the fishing and tourism so loosing that would not be good for this area.
Well thats some thoughts from here on the west, enjoy the beautiful (and the not so nice ones like our monstrous plates of food) pics we have to share!
Oh and if you donated and would like to have us take you on our ride please send us a picture to our gmail account: If you don't send one we won't put one up:)
Who knew Saunders lake existed...I wanted to put you in a better view spot but how could I not stop and take a picture of the Saunder's Lake sign!
Weighing ourselves at the truck scales!
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